Studio Pilates Classes
(08) 9279 7411
Why Choose Studio Pilates?
Pilates exercises at Bassendean Physiotherapy improve aspects such as strength, flexibility, coordination and posture, with a strong focus on training your postural and stability muscles. This makes it ideal for those recovering from injuries and perfect for those looking for fitness and muscle toning.
They are a safe and effective form of exercise which is suitable for anyone of any age and of any fitness or ability.
Group sizes are very small, between 1-4 clients per Studio Pilates Class. We do this to enable close monitoring and progression of exercises. You are never alone!

We offer an individualised treatment method that addresses the underlying cause of your pain, not just the pain or injury in itself. We focus on you!

You will begin with a one-on-one consultation with a Physiotherapist for a thorough initial assessment. This includes injury history and movement analysis, and an introduction to the exercises and equipment.

Recent scientific research in the field of Physiotherapy supports the key features and principles of the method. Thus our physiotherapists have undergone extensive training so that they can use Pilates as part of the rehabilitation process.
We offer an individualised treatment method
We address the underlying cause of your pain, not just the pain or injury in itself.
Tailored Programming
Personalised rehabilitation and fitness goals will be determined during your Initial Assessment and your Physiotherapist will create a tailored program with the exercises that are best suited to reach your goals, and overcome potential exercise barriers.
We recommend a starter program for anyone new to Studio Pilates, as so you start to feel confident in performing your individualised program with the specialised equipment and various exercise aids we provide.
What are the benefits?
Pilates exercises are ideal for the whole body, with a particular emphasis on gentle, coordinated muscle action. They are suitable for people of all ages and the benefits include:
Faster recovery from injury
Increased muscle strength and length
Greater resistance to injury
Improved posture, flexibility, balance, control and overall well being
Athletes looking for a performance edge
Pilates has been used successfully in the rehabilitation of conditions such as:
Back and neck pain
Antenatal and postnatal
Pelvic and hip pain
Post-operative strengthening
Work injuries
Chronic pain sufferers
Neurological conditions, such as stroke or Parkinson’s disease
Regardless of whether you are recovering from spinal surgery or trying to build better stability to improve your running, each session is tailored, graduated and re-assessed to ensure you reach your goals.
Studio Sessions are run daily throughout the year. Before you commence you will undergo a general health and musculoskeletal screen to ensure you are suitable for Pilates exercises. The initial assessment will be split into two parts, performed by our Physiotherapist, who will assess you and take a full injury history.
Your appointment will consists of a ‘Real Time Ultrasound’. The Real Time Ultrasound helps to identify any issues with muscle activation. From there the Physiotherapist can help teach you how to correctly activate your pelvic floor and give feedback about correct muscle activation. This will then follow by a 20 minute consultation with your Physiotherapist to discus any specialised exercises and your personalised approach to Studio Pilates.
Classes are claimable on private health insurance in clinic.
At Bassendean Physiotherapy ALL of our studio and mat sessions are run by a qualified Physiotherapist with postgraduate training in exercise rehabilitation. Unlike some of our competitors, this means you can claim private health insurance rebates for your sessions AND that your session is run by the most qualified people in the industry. Feel confident that we know exactly what your body needs to look and feel its best.
Do I need a referral to see a physiotherapist?
No. A referral is not necessary, however your GP or specialist may refer you to a physiotherapist. Please bring the referral with you so we can communicate with your doctor about your progress
Are private health insurance rebates available?
Our Pilates Informed Exercise sessions are taught by highly qualified Physiotherapists with extra Pilates certification. To comply with the government’s private health insurance reforms, as of April 1st 2019, only patients performing Pilates-informed exercises prescribed by physiotherapists as a part of their treatment program will be eligible to claim a rebate. Pilates offered in other contexts such as purely for fitness will not be able to claim.
Do I need to book in to the Physiotherapy Exercise Classes?
Yes! All Physiotherapy Exercise Classes require pre-booking. If we can not fit you into your preferred time we can waitlist you.
What do I need to bring for a Physiotherapy Exercise Classes?
You will need to bring a towel and socks, and to wear loose, comfortable clothing. Yoga and gym gear is ideal.